The Cascade tribe are native to Washington. They are also known as the Watlala. Curtis created a total of three (3) copper photogravure plates during his visits with the Cascade...
The Wishham tribe are native to the area along the Columbia River above and below the Dalles. They are known as Wishram. Curtis created a total of forty-two (42) copper photogravure plates...
The Namnit tribe are native to the Washington and Oregon area. They were part of the Chinook family. Curtis created a total of one (1) copper photogravure plate during his visit with...
The Chinook tribe are native to the Washington and Oregon area. They were great fishermen and traders. Curtis created a total of seven (7) copper photogravure plates during his visits...
The Wallawalla (Walla Walla) tribe are native to areas of Washington and Oregon. Their name is most often translated to mean “many waters”. Curtis created a total of two (2) copper photogravure plates...
The Cayuse tribe are native to the Oregon area. Today, they are a part of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Curtis created a total of fourteen (14) copper photogravure...
The Umatilla tribe are native to the Columbia Plateau region. Today, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation consists of members of the Umatilla, Cayuse and Walla Walla...
The Nez Percé tribe are from the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest Region. Today they are located in Idaho and governed through a central government known as the Nez Percé Tribal Executive...
The Navaho are from the Southwest. They were farmers who grew beans, corn and squash. They also raised sheep and goats. Today, they live in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Curtis...
The Apache were from a large region from Western Arizona to Eastern Texas and from Northern Colorado to Mexico. They were a nomadic group and were one of the first tribes to learn to ride horses...
The Jicarilla Apache tribe lived in areas of southern Colorado and New Mexico and are one of the bands of the Eastern Apache. Currently, they reside in New Mexico. Jicarilla means “little basket”, referring to...
The Hidatsa tribe are currently located in North Dakota. They were horticulturists and hunters, raising corn, beans, squash and other vegetables which were used in trade. They hunted bison, elk...