The Puget Sound Native Americans have also been known as the Lushootseed Peoples. They live in the state of Washington. Curtis created eighteen (18) photogravure plates during...
The Lummi, also known as Lhaq’temish meaning "people of the sea", live in western Washington. Salmon fishing was a large part of their lives, leading to the development of a technique called...
The Cowlitz tribe is native to the state of Washington. They hunted and fished year round and harvested roots and fruit seasonally. Curtis created a total of one (1) copper photogravure plate...
The Cowichan tribe are from the Cowichan Valley region on Vancouver Island. They are part of the Coast Salish People. Curtis created twenty-seven (27) photogravure plates during his visits...
The Yuki tribe is native to California. They are also known as Yukiah. Curtis created a total of three (3) copper photogravure plates during his visits with the Yuki and three (3) remain available...
The Yokuts tribe is native to Central California. They consisted of up to 60 tribes. Curtis created a total of thirty-six (36) copper photogravure plates during his visits with the Yokuts and thirty-two...
The Wappo tribe is native to California. They wove blankets which were so well crafted that they could hold water. Curtis created a total of three (3) copper photogravure plates during...
The Wailaki tribe is native to Northern California. Their musical instruments included drums, rattles and flutes. Curtis created a total of three (3) copper photogravure plates during his visits...
The Pomo tribe is native to California. They are famed for their intricate basketry. Curtis created a total of forty-five (45) copper photogravure plates during his visits with the Pomo and thirty-six...
The Miwok tribe, also spelled “Miwuk”, is native to Northern California. The word “Miwok” means “people” in the Miwok language. Curtis created a total of eleven (11) copper photogravure plates...
The Maidu tribe is from Northern California residing in the central Sierra Nevada. Acorns were their principle dietary staple after being processed and prepared. Curtis created a total of five...
The Kato tribe, also spelled “Cahto”, is native to California. Loosely, the name means “People of the Lake”. Curtis created a total of three (3) copper photogravure plates during his visits with the Kato...